Hire effective and qualified

Tech Talent

Unleash your company's potential with nearshore Mexican talent.
Instantly connect with developers, designers, and managers.

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For Innovative companies

Make it simple to scale fast and profitably. Build It.

We help you find the best nearshore tech talent for your company.

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Recruiting as a service

Easy-for-you Recruiting

Choose your candidates

We hire each role uniquely based on your needs from top hiring communities and universities across Mexico.

Save Money

We find you amazing employees that cost at least 50% of the US equivalent with the same performance.

Hire Faster

Save time with the hiring process. We source, interview and vet candidates for you. All you have to do is provide a final approval.

Nearshore Benefits

Access Remote Talent
Find better talent

We source, vet, and present you at least 3 candidates that match your criteria for you to interview and find the right fit.

Access to Top Talent

We find you amazing employees that cost at least 50% of the US equivalent with the same excitement to work for you.

Hire faster

Save time with the hiring process. We source, interview, and vet candidates for you. All you do is give the final green-light.

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Recruiting many Experts?

Organize Multiple Jobs

Easily create multiple jobs, each with its billing method, matched Experts, hiring company, sharing capabilities, and more

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Customer Success Stories

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Build It was a great help in the search and hiring of a UI/UX designer for our team. The efficiency in candidate selection and filtering was impressive. I would recommend their services to any company looking for talent. Thank you! 👍🏼

Testimonial Picture

Luis Raul Torres

Founder & CEO at


Controlla Brand

Ready to find your next hire?

Schedule a call with us and get amazing remote talent in Mexico.

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